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Decor: Unique Year:  around 1945.   High: 48.5cm.  Wide:  26cm  Painted by:  JVS = Jan van Schaick.

Unique kaststel geschilderd door Jan van SchaickUnique Mantlepiece by Jan van Schaick mark

From 1943 the PZH produced a new line of pottery called Reflet Metalique. Metal oxides in paint and glaze resulted in a metalique look and feel, hence the name Reflet Metalique. This set is very big, it was not made to fit in an average house from around that time, but it does have has a very refined surface, the shape is in the form of a hexagon, and the surface is not flat but finely ribbed. The painter (jan van Schaick) is really an old-timer, in the Paysage section you can see some of his fine creations. But here from 1943 onwards (for about 10 years) he used his experience to create these new Unique Metalique pieces. I am not sure how many of these sets were produced; I have not seen another one yet.

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