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Model 167 Decor: Paijsage Year: around 1905.   High: 17.5cm.    Wide:  24cm    Painted by:  PW = Pieter Woerlee.

  Gouda early Paysage Gouda early Paysage mark Gouda early Paysage
This is one of the earlier landscape vases made by the "Plateelbakkerij Zuid Holland". The softer colours used on this vase were only used for a very short time, and are clearly different from the other landscape vases you find on my site.
With its generous size it is also the biggest landscape vase that I have seen so far, and because of that the vase has many views; A boat on the front and back with different landscape in between, also seen from the top a nicely painted wind-mill.
Clearly a lot of effort went into painting this vase. That was probably also one of the reasons they did not produce many of these.

And if you wonder what the black line behind the boat is, well that is a mooring-stick, pushed in the soft mud in the stream; the boat is then anchored to it; and for even more detail, in the picture on the right even the float from the fishing rod can be seen in the water!

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