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Model 144 Decor: Paijsage Year: around 1905.   High: 8cm.    Wide:  19cm    Painted by:   PW = Pieter Woerlee.

Gouda paysage clog Gouda paysage clog frontGouda paysage clog back
Landscape decors also exist on clogs, this one was made in the early days of the  "Plateelbakkerij Zuid Holland". The softer colours used on this clog were only used for a very short time, and are clearly different from most other pottery by the PZH.

As you often see with Paysages, the decor winds itself around the shape of the pottery; again a boat on the left and right hand side of the clog, and buildings scattered in the country side. Clearly much more time was spend with painting in the early days compared to the later years, even the detail of a mooring stick behind the boat is present.
  Gouda paysage clog mark

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