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Decor: MV = Matte Vogel  Year:  1919.   High: 18cm.    Wide:  6cm    Painted by:  D = Johanna Dortland.
Decor: MV = Matte Vogel  Year:  1919.   High: 25cm.    Wide:  11cm    Painted by:  AdK = Alida Antonia de Korte.

Gouda pottery liquer tray and Carafe Gouda pottery liquer tray and Carafe mark Gouda pottery liquer tray and Carafe Gouda pottery liquer tray and Carafe mark
Left: A small decanter painted with an awful lot of detail.
Right: Both the tray and the carafe have identical signatures, so a really matching pair made by the same painter. It is sometimes hard to say with 100% certainty who the painter is.   Someone else with the same initials worked there at the same time. But he was only 14 when this was painted.

At 14 years of age he would have worked in the "apprentice" room where simpler, more common items were painted.

For another vase by the same painter, click HERE.

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