Gouda tiles and tableaus:

Most of the tiles and tableaus made by the Holland potteries were produced between 1890 and 1910. Therefore they are all produced in high glaze, because that is the style the Dutch potteries used at that time. As always, one or two exceptions exist, but high glaze is the norm.

The Rozenburg pottery seems to have produced the biggest assortment of tiles and tableau's, and had started before the PZH Gouda potteries did.

Most tiles produced measured 15.3 by 15.3 cm. ( 6 by 6 inches ). Some bigger tiles (plaques)  were produced as well, but instead of making bigger tiles they also started to group tiles together on a frame to form a tableau, with a wooden grid on the back, as part of the frame,  to support  the individual tiles.  Some of these tableau's consist of so many tiles that it would not be suitable anymore for your average house. One has to wonder at what sort of public the production of these big tableau's was aimed.

 When the tile was made, oak was most often used  to create the frame.

The PZH tiles are often marked on the back with the little house and the words Gouda and Zuid-Holland. Sometimes the tiles are also marked on the front. The painter initials can sometimes be found, but certainly not always. They were sold under the name of   "Gouda  Zuid-Holland"  pottery.

Also the Delft factories produced tiles, but mainly in the traditional blue colours.  I believe the Porceleyne fles started to produce tableau's around 1889. The PBD (Plateel Bakkerij Delft) produced  tableau's from 1903   onward

.Gouda Landscape tiles

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