HERE to go
to the next picture.
Decor: Anjer Year: 1923. High:
23.5cm. Wide: 14cm Painted
by: RA = Roelof Akkerman.
Decor: Candia Year: 1923. High:
23.5cm. Wide: 14cm Painted
by: RA = Roelof Akkerman.
The ones here are oil lamps. The Dutch name for this type of oil lamp is a
“Snotneus” This word translates into a leaky nose; this refers to the fact
that these lamps were often messy to use. Oil was put inside the
“Snotneus” and a wick was inserted into the spout and lit, but often
unburned oil spilled out of the spout into the reservoir underneath; hence
the name “Snotneus”.
The label on the “Snotneus” is still intact, this type of label was used
in the early 1900’s, but not overly many remain intact. Many of them would
have been scratched away to uncover the painted mark underneath. The name
on the label correctly reflects the decor name, but somehow the model
number on is 1372, whereas painted it reads 1373. Not sure why that is. A
human error somewhere?.
The other point of interest, when you compare these two, is that the lid
on the “Snotneus” is exactly the same between the Anjer decor and the
Candia decor.
I bought both of these from the same source, I like to think they were
together since they were made. The oil lamps were painted by the same
person in the same year, the signature on both is RA, This is how Roelof
Akkerman painted his signature with the letters “R” and “A” connected.