De Goedewaagen Pottery 1779 - now
KLM house

The Goedewaagen pottery is in fact quite an old one, it has been in the same family (yes Goedewaagen was their surname) from 1779 to 1983. The name still exists, just with different owners. Most people know of the little KLM houses given to them by the airline. Many of these were made here from 1965 to 1995.

For the first 100 plus years they made their money through the sale of clay pipes. They literally produced millions over the years. In 1923 they bought “the Distel” this was an established Art pottery producer. I think they made many smart decisions that helped them survive for that long.

An interesting vase in my collection is the one underneath; a pipe smoking man with a bit of landscape scenery on the back. If the vase was made for Dutch customers it would have had the Dutch word “Koninklijk” instead of the word “Royal”, so this one was made for export.
Giddings vase Giddings vase Giddings vase
Dating these pieces is a bit harder, because no date codes were used. The decor on the vase above is somewhat unique; I believe the vase was designed by Jaap Gidding and made in 1937.

A lot of dinner plates and tea services were produced by the Goedewaagen pottery, the decor of the herring eaters on the one below is one of the more common ones.
Goedewaagen herring eaters

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